We are aware of our responsibility for our own workers and the workers at our partner factories worldwide and we accept that responsibility. Responsible action is a complex function – and it is more important than ever before.
We are responsible
Doing sustainable business – at Leineweber GmbH & Co. KG (referred to in the following as PNTS) this means economic activities carried out in harmony with environmental and social responsibility. Our top priority for meeting this aspiration is responsi - ble, long-term partnerships and carefully fostering these collaborations. As a medium-sized family business, employer and business partner, our ob - jective is always to offer our stakeholder groups a sustainable perspective. We have therefore aligned our business operations with medium and long-term targets. Sustainability is firmly anchored in our foundations as an enabler for enduring success.
We have been proactive in taking corporate re - sponsibility seriously for many years. This underly - ing approach is part of our self-image and the iden - tity of our company. It is a quintessential element of the PNTS brand core. PNTS is a hallmark of relia - bility, modernity, passion, commitment and creati - vity. Alongside supreme aspirations for quality and fitting, we want to offer our customers long-lasting products at sensible prices. They should also expe - rience an overall sense of wellbeing and be able to rest assured about compliance with social and en - vironmental standards during manufacture. A high priority in this context is that people working in our value chain benefit from ethical and safe working conditions. At the same time, we are committed to the environment and we work continuously on re - ducing our consumption of natural resources.

Strategy and Management
Leineweber GmbH & Co. KG operates in the context of global competition in the clothing industry. The method of production is highly specialised and labour intensive. Our overarching aim is to ensure that the employees of our suppliers enjoy good and safe working conditions in spite of the complexity of global value chains. This is why we joined the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI) in 2008.
Since then, we have been able to approach the establishment of fair working conditions more systematically and be effective over a wider sphere. The BSCI is an initiative by purchasing organisations aimed at improving global working conditions in various sectors. We believe the only way we can ensure that significant, lasting improvements are made at the factories is if we can get together with other enterprises. That is precisely what the BSCI enables us to do.
Since 2018, Leineweber GmbH & Co. KG has been a member of the amfori BSCI Network Committee and works proactively in various BSCI project groups with the aim of creating improvements in social and environmental standards along the supply chain. Our objective is to use this enhanced commitment in order to bring about positive changes in the supply chain and work on improving social standards together with our partners.
EIM - Environmental Impact Measurement
Using the EIM score, it is possible to make sustainability measurable within the manufacturing process. The EIM score assesses the environmental influences that come into effect in industrial washing. The result is of course presented using a traffic light system. The assessment considers the categories of water, energy and chemicals. The effects are clearly categorised in green, orange and red. During the assessment, employee’s occupational health & safety conditions also contribute to the score.
Our approach
This is exactly where we started. The EIM score provides a valid and comparable evaluation system. Our goal is that our pants would be awarded the green, and therefore the best, EIM score. To this end, we are further developing our manufacturing procedure and reducing the consumption of water, energy and chemicals, while also adhering to strict social and environmental standards.